This solution for bi-directional synchronization takes very little to maintain or extend, but a considerable level of detail to implement.

So I’m going to present the details in a variety of ways, from simple to most complete.

This video will cover the high-level concepts of what is happening inside of the scenario.

If you’re just looking for a conceptual understanding, this is all you need.

If you don’t care so much about the details, but just want to use the synchronization process for yourself, you can get the whole thing from a link in the video description.

And if you want an in-depth look at every element of the automated scenarios, then you can look at the documentation for the outbound or inbound processes, where you’ll find images showing every one of the settings used in the scenario so that you can build it all yourself.

Also, if your parent database is not Ultimate Brain, then the documentation links contain notes on the common properties you need between your databases, and what you will likely change to make it all work for your own environment.

Outbound Synchronization

So let’s start the conceptual review with the outbound, parent-to-child synchronization process. We’ll be using the numbered points on the image of the scenario below for orientation.


Point 1 on the diagram is is watching the parent task database for any changes. For me, that’s the All Tasks [ub] database.